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Vasco Coimbra

Café Suspenso

Much more than a coffee

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Great deeds begin with small gestures


Years of


Participating establishments
in Aveiro


Participating establishments

What is “Café Suspenso”?

“Café Suspenso” is a project by Agora Aveiro inspired in the international movement “Suspended Coffees”.
It was created in 2016 with a simple premise: any person can visit one of the participating establishments and leave a “suspended” coffee. That is, to pay for a coffee that will later be consumed by another person.

What’s the project’s objective?

The main objective of this project is to bring people closer and promote solidarity through small acts of sympathy. Serves to show that anyone, through a small gesture, can have a positive impact on someone's day.

Why should I participate?

It's a simple gesture.
It's more than offering a coffee, it's offering comfort and well-being. It may be the moment that turns a bad day into a good one.
It's a way of supporting the community and local establishments. If you can't have coffee with your friends, you can even leave them a suspended coffee.

Who’s the suspended coffee for?

For anyone - someone who needs some comfort and can't afford it, who has forgotten their wallet, or simply wants to participate in the project. Simply use a card available from the Café Suspenso mug. We can all participate and make the project grow.

How can I leave a suspended coffee?

Just ask for a card from the Café Suspenso kit and give it to the establishment's employee, along with the value of the coffee. This card will be placed on the mug so that it can be used afterwards by someone else. There are post-its where you can write a positive message for the person using it.

Can I only suspend coffees?

Some establishments present other offers, such as sandwiches, cakes or soups. These establishments are marked with a plus (+).

Where can I find the participating establishments?

On the map below you will find the locations of the participating establishments in Aveiro. You can also find them through the Café Suspenso kit at the counter. On the “Suspended Coffees” online platform, you will also be able to find more than 1400 participating establishments worldwide.