Guerrilha gardening
The next time you find some lovely flowers in Aveiro, we may have been spreading positive attitudes and happiness again.
Estimated reading time: 33 seconds
© Helder Berenguer
It is not our main area, but we like to say that Agora Aveiro has been spreading positive attitudes since 2010. This time we did it through "Guerrilla Gardening"! Inspired by a well-known global movement and driven by our relentless volunteers (with special thanks to the biologists among them), we spread about 200 cans of flowers and wheat all over the city.
If you want to know more about the Guerrilla Gardening movement, we recommend the different approach that this gardener shared in his TED Talk. If you are interested in this type of action, do not expect another person to do it. Join us or become yourself a guerrilla gardener.
Agora Aveiro