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A pantry full of solidarity

200 Kg of food and hygiene goods were collected with the help of students from Agrupamento de Escolas de Aveiro in our “Despensa Solidária”. These will be delivered to families in need in the districts of Aveiro and Ílhavo.

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© Helder Berenguer

The wave of solidarity has once again passed through the schools of Agrupamento de Escolas de Aveiro (Aveiro’s Schools Group)!

The statistics of “Pordata” show that in 2020, 27.1% of the Portuguese population was at risk of poverty. This value represents an increase of 5.5% from 2019 and is the result, in part, of the COVID-19 pandemic. This situation has led to an increase in the number of people in vulnerable situations and in need of support, which has made it even more difficult for Social Solidarity Institutions to meet all these requests. It is in this sense that Despensa Solidária” (Solidarity Pantry) emerges.

Throughout the month of May, our “Despensa Solidária” went through three schools of Agrupamento de Escolas de Aveiro: Escola Básica da Glória, Escola Básica João Afonso e Escola Secundária Homem Cristo. In total, 200 Kg of food and hygiene goods were collected, including pasta, rice, canned goods, milk, porridges, cereals, salt, biscuits, instant coffee, tea, children’s nappies, shampoo, shower gel, sanitary pads, razor blades, toothbrushes and toothpaste, deodorants, and even cleaning products.

We managed to raise awareness among young people and their families of the need to combat this obstacle through a more proactive and interventive stance. Inclusively, Escola Básica da Glória published their action on their school website and the schools asked for our solidarity pantry to stay in the school permanently, as it was very cute and the action was different and impactful.

The goods received will be collected by the association and redirected to the local IPSS, Centro de Ação Social do Concelho de Ílhavo (CASCI) and Associação de Solidariedade Social Casa Mãe de Aradas (ASSCMA) which, in turn, will be able to help the families most in need, most of whom live on a Social Integration Income of 186.66€ and have a 200€ rent to pay. This action was received with open arms by all its participants, showing that the solidarity of Aveiro is alive and recommended!

“Despensa Solidária” was made in partnership with Agrupamento de Escolas de Aveiro, Centro de Ação Social do Concelho de Ílhavo and Associação de Soliedariedade Social Casa Mãe de Aradas. It also had the the support of Câmara Municipal de Aveiro and Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude I.P.

Beatriz Meneses