Ready? Let’s start reforesting!
Once again, the Guardiões da Natureza entered the race to prepare another batch of Seed Bombs in Estarreja.
Estimated reading time: 1 minute and 25 seconds
© Carlos Correia
At the invitation of the Municipality of Estarreja, the “Guardiões da Natureza” (Nature’s Guardians) once again took part in this year’s edition of BioRace, which took place on September 23rd in the Bioria natural reserve. In an event full of challenges, kids and adults were invited to take part in one of our most popular activities: the Seed Bombs Workshop.
As this is a lively event, recognized as the biggest obstacle course in Europe, the G“Guardiões da Natureza” enlisted the help of a group of determined athletes, with whom we created an incredible number of seed bombs. All the participants were very interested and it was with great enthusiasm that they placed small flower seeds from our region into spheres of substrate and clay. From small gestures come bigger and greater things, the same way that from a seed comes a tree, and so, it’s always very rewarding to facilitate these types of initiatives.
The recipe for these Seed Bombs is already well studied, so despite not satiating hunger, it allows the younger ones to be creative and use their imagination to create amazing masterpieces, exploring different shapes, as squares and hexagons, or even snowmens!
With this, we hope to sensitise the youngest and encourage them to plant these little pieces of art in their own houses, so that they can, one day, see those seeds grow into fruits.
The “Guardiões da Natureza” is part of the project "Plantar o Futuro" by Agora Aveiro. It was supported by the Câmara Municipal de Aveiro and IPDJ - Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude I.P..
Gabriela Ribeirete