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SOS Christmas elves!

This Christmas season, from 22 to 26th November, Agora Aveiro and Glicínias joined forces to collect toys to give to needy children at CASCI, spreading the magic of Christmas.

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© João Simões

The ”Baú dos Brinquedos” initiative was created to help the Centro de Ação Social do Concelho de Ílhavo (CASCI) in its mission to make a difference in the lives of the families it supports. Between 22 and 26 November, volunteers from Agora Aveiro, with the support of Glicínias Plaza, organized a charity collection that resulted in more than 200 presents, including books, puzzles, dolls and soft toys. The generous donations from those who came through the chest will now be given to each of the 133 children and young people, aged between 0 and 18, whose families are in a vulnerable situation. 

According to Eurostat figures for 2021, one in four Portuguese children under the age of 18 lives in poverty or social exclusion. This reality determines their future and it is expected that these minors will have a higher risk of unemployment, poverty, the development of psychiatric disorders and unhealthy habits, as well as social exclusion in adulthood.

On the other hand, it is during the Christmas season that the requests for help from the PISS (Private Institutions of Social Solidarity), as well as the difficulties and challenges they face, increase the most. With this in mind, and in order to bring the magic of the season into every home and heart, this action has mobilized the spirit of solidarity and sharing of the community of Aveiro to give these children a special Christmas. 

A new gift isn't always guaranteed, and that's why every toy should be valued for its potential for another child. Toys stimulate creativity and imagination, allow us to build stories and live in parallel realities, create lasting memories and accompany children's growth. At Agora Aveiro, we want to cultivate hope in the youngest, so that they never lose that characteristic sparkle in their eyes of someone who opens a present every Christmas!

With the approach of the Christmas season, which is always full of magic and charm, the values of kindness, generosity and compassion are reinforced, as well as the importance of family and togetherness, and the spirit of solidarity, even among the children, is remarkable.

The ”Baú dos Brinquedos” is part of ”Random Acts of Kindness” project. It has a partnership with CASCI (Centro de Ação Social do Concelho de Ílhavo) and the support of the Município de Aveiro and IPDJ - Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude I.P..

Gabriela Ribeirete