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  • Sustainable Development

Everything is connected!

In a chaotic world, the frenzy that fills our daily lives easily takes our attention away from certain questions: is life a complete chaos or are we all interconnected? That is a question for the “Guardiões da Natureza” to answer!

Estimated reading time: 1 minute and 15 seconds

© Carlos Correia

On October 26th, the “Guardiões da Natureza” once again fulfilled their mission, this time at the Ecocentro Municipal de Aveiro, where they presented a new activity related to the “Relações Tróficas”, which are vividly present among all living beings, but sometimes go unnoticed.

Prompting from the question: “Are we all (really) interconnected?”, the “Guardiões da Natureza” challenged the participants to reflect on the complex relationships between animals, plants and the different ecosystems where these living beings live. In a playful but fun moment that involved a series of original drawings created by volunteer Sofia Silva, the adults of the future returned home with a renewed awareness of nature's secrets.

For now, we are taking another step towards awakening and encouraging the interest of young people in the fragility and complexity of the invisible threads that connect us to everything and everyone. In this way, we hope to have fostered these children's critical and reflective spirit, since all our actions lead to a consequence, sometimes beneficial, sometimes harmful, but of which it is important to be aware so as not to fall short of the impact it has on the different inhabitants of our common home, the Planet Earth.

“Guardiões da Natureza” is part of the Agora Aveiro’s project “Plantar o Futuro”. It is supported by Câmara Municipal de Aveiro and IPDJ - Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude I.P..

Júnio Jardim