Conversations Without Age - Life in Pandemic
In the midst of a pandemic crisis, how do different generations face radical change in their lives?
Estimated reading time: 1 minute and 27 seconds
The goal? Try to understand how the pandemic has affected the different generations, to foster greater understanding and bring our community closer together. The challenge? To safeguard the health and well-being of the participants. With technology at our fingertips, our team used video call platforms to conduct a series of interviews and create the video "Conversations Without Age - Life in Pandemic".
During the months of September and October, people of different ages and backgrounds told us a little about their experience during the confinement period. The video is a window to the way these people have dealt with the new reality. What have they done? They read, danced, picked up abandoned hobbies or ventured into new ones, rediscovered how to live their daily lives when the routine they knew was thrown out the window. What did they miss most? The socializing, the look in people's eyes.
In this compilation of ventures about a journey that has been going on for several months, it is proven that, although different, all age groups end up having something in common. In these moments of uncertainty, the message is one of doubled caution, but also of transformation, optimism and strength. There is a refusal to give up when it comes to dreaming.
All the members of the community have something that unites them, similarities that transcend their differences. Regardless of age, ethnicity, religion, and all of the other groups we may or may not be part of, we all miss socializing together and embracing, strongly, the people we love.
This project was supported by the CSPVC (Centro Social e Paroquial da Vera Cruz), Câmara Municipal de Aveiro and IPDJ - Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude I.P.
Agora Aveiro