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  • Sustainable Development

The Nature Guardians are back

"It's time to roll up your sleeves! Are you ready to get your hands dirty?" That's how the activity promoted by Agora Aveiro, on June 5th, at the Infante D. Pedro park in Aveiro, began.

Estimated reading time: 1 minute and 39 seconds

This project had a remarkably special team of Nature's Guardians and their little apprentices, the children from Aveiro’s elementary schools, who helped us celebrate the World Environment Day at Eco Aventura 2019.

For the curious, more than an environmental education activity about the threats to the forests, "Semear o Futuro" is also a practical and playful way of raising children's awareness to the importance of forests, and to contribute to the development of plant coverages. It also aims to bring the kids back to the origins of rolling up their sleeves and getting their hands on the soil!

The seed bombs, as we like to call them, were the Nature's Guardians' "weapons" of choice, but they are not ordinary "weapons". In the form of a small ball, they are made of a mixture of clay and soil with seeds of alfalfa, lavender, St. John's wort and clover. To make them more unique, the children customized them with several colourful powders.

The children also learned that the seed bombs' composition serves different purposes: the clay protects the small seeds from adverse conditions and from animals that could eat them before germination while the soil helps provide the nutrients needed for the plant to continue to grow. The clay breaks down with the rain. After that, the seeds germinate and start to develop the optimal conditions for forests to grow! To the knowledge acquired are added the good moments of laughter shared between Nature's Guardians and their little apprentices.

"Semear o Futuro" is part of Agora Aveiro's project "Plantar o Futuro". It's sponsored by Sementes de Portugal, who donated the seeds, and Argex, through the supply of clay. It also has the support of the Municipality of AveiroIPDJ - Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude, I.P. and Programa Voluntariado Jovem para a Natureza e Florestas.

Agora Aveiro