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José Nogueira

Do not wait for change, be part of it!

With us, turn ideas that mean something to you into reality. Projects that transform that which surrounds you.

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What do we do?

At Agora Aveiro, we support social causes, promote sustainability, fight social exclusion, promote art and culture, and intervene in the streets of our city.

We begin by identifying a problem in our community. Something over which we can join efforts and work.

Fields of action

At Agora Aveiro, we see the world that surrounds us and we ask ourselves how we can make it better. What we can give to make the world better.

Sustainable Development

We raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity as a common good of inestimable value, as well as the promotion of education and environmental awareness, instilling in people the senses of social and environmental responsibility.

Inclusion and Social Awareness

We break down barriers, knock down walls and bring people closer. The path towards a fairer and more inclusive society does not come with the denial of its diversity, but from the acceptance that it's something that makes our community stronger.

Urban Intervention

Mixing audacity and creativity, we craft innovative and effective campaigns that break the everyday routine and go beyond the conventional. Actions for which the city is a canvas, that build bridges and connections with the community.

Culture, Art and Creativity

Aveiro has a rich ethnographic, cultural and artistic heritage. It also hosts one of the most dynamic and innovative universities in our country and the thousands of creative minds that graduate from it. We care, promote and spread the culture of our city.

Agora Beija-me!

Urban Intervention

Urban Intervention


The idea itself might look utopic but, at the end of the day, it’s pretty simple! With “Agora Beija-me” (“Now Kiss Me”) we created several “Kissing” and “Hugging Spots” throughout the streets of our city that would entice the boldest to kiss and hug someone special. Something so simple, but with the potential to brighten anyone’s day. After all, who doesn’t enjoy a good hug?

Agora Escreve-me!

Inclusion and Social Awareness

Inclusion and Social Awareness

2020 – 2022

With this project, we bring together the older ones and the youngest to share experiences, stories and moments. With “Agora Escreve-me” (“Now, Write to Me”) we fight the isolation and marginalization of the elderly and provide unique learning and growth opportunities to the children through the junction of the knowledge and experience of the grandparents’ lives with the energy and curiosity of the grandchildren. A project that alerts to the difference between realities between generations and promotes intergenerational solidarity.

Are You Brain Enough?

Culture, Art and Creativity

Culture, Art and Creativity

2017 – (present)

Who doesn’t enjoy spending an evening on a quiz? “Are you Brain Enough?” gathers several participants at the historic Avenida Café-Concerto, in Aveiro, for five sessions of questions about several different categories. From music and gastronomy to the bizarre and strange, this quiz puts to the test the knowledge and interpretation capabilities of the playing teams. But of course, a coveted showcase of prizes lies waiting for them, from cheese boards to traditional liquor, artisanal beer and traditional sponge cake.

Avós, Netos e Muitos Afetos

Inclusion and Social Awareness

Inclusion and Social Awareness


“Being a grandpa is to be a second father, but more experienced and with more time”. In what is the most delicious project of Agora Aveiro, we brought together grandparents and grandchildren to an adventure in the kitchen. The concept was simple: the grandparents wrote their grandchildren’s favourite recipes and, to whet the appetite, the little ones illustrated them. Thus we created a recipe book and a short video, full of big smiles, with the grandmas and grandpas cooking with their grandchildren.


Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development

2016 – 2017

What if we could bring the theme of sustainability to the streets of our city? The “Aveiro+Verde” (“Aveiro+Green”) aims to do just that! By developing several different activities we seek to promote the environmental and social responsibility senses. Street art actions, exhibitions, music performances, bicycle rides, workshops and talks allow this project to leave a greener mark in the city.

Banca dos Elogios

Culture, Art and Creativity

Culture, Art and Creativity


When was the last time you complimented someone or you yourself received a compliment from another? We live in a world where the hustle and bustle of the day to day and the life behind a screen dominate our own life and, more often than not, we value more when we are criticised or when we alone judge ourselves. The simple act of complimenting raises self-esteem, but also boosts our motivation. Compliments aren’t tied to “epochs” and never “get out of fashion”, so “Banca dos Elogios” decided to show up in the street, in a more vintage appeal, cheering up the days of those that passed by it.

Biblioteca Viva

Inclusion and Social Awareness

Inclusion and Social Awareness

2015 – 2022

What if when you entered a library you’d find people instead of books? Inspired by the international movement “Human Library”, the “Biblioteca Viva” is a platform for sharing stories and testimonies. A safe space where hard questions are expected, appreciated and answered. An informal and close environment that promotes dialogue, making the deconstruction of stereotypes and prejudice easier, approaching us to a more just and inclusive society.

Buy Nothing Day

Urban Intervention

Urban Intervention


Have you seen that discount? Won’t you take it? In a world where the media and the stores bombard us with ads and enticing offers, alluring us into purchasing unnecessary products, the “Buy Nothing Day” project makes us question our consumption habits. With this project we created a “discount clothesline”, with the best coupons of the market with phrases like “Happiness doesn’t measure itself in sales”, “Offer your time”, “Use less, love more” and “Don’t use it? Offer it to someone who will!”.

Café Suspenso

Inclusion and Social Awareness

Inclusion and Social Awareness

2016 – 2020

At Agora Aveiro we believe that “great deeds start with small gestures”. The “Café Suspenso” (“Suspended Coffee”) is a project moved by the day to day kindness, by little actions that lead to big smiles. Visit one of our adherent establishments and leave a coffee paid, or something more. Anyone can later visit that store and cherish what you left “suspended”. It’s more than offering a coffee, it’s giving comfort and well being. The moment that transforms a bad day into a brighter one.

CleanUp Aveiro

Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development

2021 – (present)

Taking care of our planet is a responsibility of each one of us. Every year, tons of plastic and other waste materials are inadvertently discarded, which poses a serious threat to land and aquatic ecosystems. The “CleanUp Aveiro” project aims to raise the population’s awareness of the pollution of urban and leisure spaces, inviting the community to participate in cleaning actions on the beaches, Ria de Aveiro and the streets of our city.

Deixa-te de Modas!

Inclusion and Social Awareness

Inclusion and Social Awareness


Storefronts are non-static art, where the bipolar and persuasive choice of colour palettes makes us want to have all the pieces of clothing tucked away in our closet. We buy based on impulse, leaving aside the thought of the entire fashion cycle. Who made the piece? Where did the fabrics come from? What are the working conditions? Where will the chemicals used for dyeing go? These and many other questions begin to arise when we think about the fashion industry. With the aim of raising awareness and education, we built a store open to the public where we made known the history of each piece of clothing, but also some suggestions to prevent and fight Fast Fashion.

Dia da Saúde Mental

Inclusion and Social Awareness

Inclusion and Social Awareness

2013 – 2017

Approximately one in four people all around the world suffer from some kind of mental disorder. A concerning statistic that hides behind the taboos and prejudice that mental health still encounters. With the “Dia de Saúde Mental” (“Mental Health Day”) we raise awareness to the community about its importance in our life. Writing letters to ourselves or creating origami are some of the ways to promote physical, mental and social well being, explored by this project. But more than that, by taking a break and opening ourselves to discuss and learn more about mental health, we can help millions of people all around the world.

Era Uma Vez

Culture, Art and Creativity

Culture, Art and Creativity


Children’s books are more than just colourful paper sheets, they are a bottomless source of benefits for a creative and intellectually active growth. We currently live in a world where children dedicate their attention, early on, to little screens, leaving the books on the shelf for someone else to pick them up someday. And with that, during days where the sun and the joyfulness of nature created a worthy environment for unique and unforgettable stories, our volunteers decided to give a voice to many forgotten tales.

Estendal das Boas Ações

Urban Intervention

Urban Intervention


Every day is a good day for action. Have you ever helped that neighbour who always arrives home with heavy groceries bags? Have you ever offered someone a flower? And that old friend you haven’t seen for a long time, have you called them? The project “Estendal das Boas Ações” (Good Deeds’ Clothesline) came together as a way to celebrate the “International Good Deeds Day” by sharing suggestions on how you can take action in the community. Because change doesn’t need to be drastic and small gestures are often the ones that have the biggest impact.

Fist Bump Squad

Urban Intervention

Urban Intervention

2021 – 2022

The rush of daily routine makes cities a race of distant people. Eyes connect to technologies and there is no room for strange smiles, we live alone in the middle of a crowd. If before a hug could be a welcoming surprise, with the pandemic that was taken away from us. However, we can’t live without connection and affection, always finding a way to help others with what we have to offer, even if it’s a “Fist Bump” and a candy to brighten the palate and the day. In this project, we wandered through the streets of Aveiro and collected smiles and gratitude, ending the day with a heart full of love and empty bags of candy.

Free Hugs

Inclusion and Social Awareness

Inclusion and Social Awareness

2016 – (present)

“Free Hugs” is the most accurate representation of what we call “Random Acts of Kindness”. A social movement where our volunteers, with their cardboard posters, held up high, offer hugs to strangers. Apparently simple, this gesture is capable of changing someone’s day, of bringing colour and joyfulness to anyone. Because the best place in the world is inside a hug, it is with that spirit that we bring our hearts full of love, happiness and comfort.

Green Friday

Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development

2018 – 2022

“Green Friday” is an initiative of environmental sensibilization, native forest restoration and local commerce promotion. By the time of “Black Friday”, in collaboration with local commerce establishments of Aveiro, we organize a weekend dedicated to helping the environment. During these days, the value of each purchase in the establishments is “converted” into native trees that are later planted in Dunas de São Jacinto Nature Reserve.

Guardiões da Natureza

Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development

2018 – (present)

The future is in the hands of the youngest! With this in mind, the “Guardiões da Natureza” (“Nature’s Guardians”) takes to the schools a dynamic and fun strategy to educate the youngest on environmental conservation. Alongside workshops, games and other ludic activities, it complements the current formal teaching method, promoting the scientific and cultural enrichment of the youngsters as well as the development of problem-solving skills and social aptitudes.

Heróis de Aveiro

Inclusion and Social Awareness

Inclusion and Social Awareness

2020 – 2021

What makes a hero? “Heróis de Aveiro” (Heroes of Aveiro) tells the stories of those who, through their professional careers and acts of solidarity, make a daily difference in the lives of those around them. Because “not all heroes wear a cape”, firefighters, nurses, teachers, police officers, neighbours, family members, and friends become the true heroes of our community. This project pays tribute to the daily heroes and shows that each one of us can also be a hero.

I Love Aveiro

Culture, Art and Creativity

Culture, Art and Creativity

2013 – (present)

The identity of a city doesn’t end in its streets, buildings and bridges. It’s created by the collective of individual stories that intertwine and that, in its whole, mould its cultural heritage. “I Love Aveiro” started from an artistic intervention in what is today the most known staircase of the city, to become a platform of valorization of Aveiro’s citizens and their stories. We immortalize the local identity in a compendium of stories while promoting the involvement of the community in the preservation of the cultural, historic and ethnographic patrimony.

Nas Entrelinhas

Inclusion and Social Awareness

Inclusion and Social Awareness


Anxiety is felt by everyone, an answer from our body when faced against the unknown and fears, but that, when felt in such an intensity, it ends up harming the normal functioning of our day-to-day life. Nevertheless, there is still a big stigma about this subject… What if the person sitting next to you suffered from anxiety? Would you know what they feel or what’s happening with them? Would you be able to read “Between the Lines”? The collection of testimonies aimed to deconstruct some of these situations in a way to make us become more empathetic, as well as to allow us to share ways to control this “monster” that is anxiety.

Natal de Palmo e Meio

Inclusion and Social Awareness

Inclusion and Social Awareness


What makes Christmas special? We brought together the little ones to answer this and other questions and thus “Natal de Palmo e Meio” (“Three-Quarters of Christmas”) was born. A short video in which we talked with our tiny rising stars about their Christmas traditions and habits. A project that makes the Christmas spirit grow and warm the hearts in an environment of joyfulness, well being, good disposition, jokes and innocence.

Oficina de Teatro Experimental

Culture, Art and Creativity

Culture, Art and Creativity


Created at a time when staying at home was a necessity, the project ”Oficina de Teatro Experimental” (Experimental Theatre Workshop) managed to keep our volunteers in touch, giving them strength during difficult times. This project was focused on the creation of a safe space where our volunteers could work their skills of expression, both verbal and corporal, and debate ideas. The participants acquired soft skills through workshops lectured by different trainers who inspired them for future projects.

Origami Art Attack

Urban Intervention

Urban Intervention

2012 – 2020

Sometimes we just need a little more colour in our lives! With the “Origami Art Attack” project we use this millennial Japanese art to create hundreds of shapes, from the simplest to the most complex and tricky and spread colour throughout our city. This way, we develop creativity and artistic expression as tools for social intervention while creating relaxing and serene moments for the body and mind.

Patrulha da Beata

Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development


Did you know that cigarette butts, when left on the ground, take more than five years to decompose? And that they can be ingested by animals causing them to suffocate? Beyond the direct impact on health, cigarettes and cigarette butts represent one of the biggest sources of environmental pollution. The “Patrulha da Beata” (“Butt Patrol”) arises to walk the streets of Aveiro in search of the largest number of improperly discarded cigarette butts, guaranteeing them an appropriate and environmentally safe treatment.

Plantar o Futuro

Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development

2014 – (present)

“Plantar o Futuro” (“Plant your Future”) lays its roots in the idea that “if one and each one of us plants a tree, one day we’ll have a forest”. The project represents a movement for the defence of the native forest and its role in the mitigation of climate change, resilience against fires and biodiversity conservation. We challenge the students, teachers and staff of the University of Aveiro into adopting a native tree, taking care of it and, by last, planting it and helping to grow a forest.

Poesia de Andaime

Urban Intervention

Urban Intervention

2021 – 2022

What if from scaffolding, instead of pickup lines, poetry echoed? “Freedom of speech” is generally used as a justification for verbal violence and harassment. Through the project “Poesia de Andaime” (Scaffold Petry), poetry is turned into an intervention tool, leading the community to reflect and change behaviours. With this initiative, we promote respect among citizens and work to eradicate intrusive behaviour.

Postais de Aveiro

Culture, Art and Creativity

Culture, Art and Creativity


Every day that goes by, the precious stories, that once travelled from generation to generation, fade in time. Stories that hide within the landscapes or in the most emblematic buildings of Aveiro. With “Postais de Aveiro” (“Aveiro Postcards”) we seek to preserve a piece of our cultural heritage. Each postcard, unique and special, speak to us through watercolours the cultural heritage hidden in every street and canal. Paintings of landscapes of iconic places like the Barra Lighthouse, the Botirões Bridge or the Aveiro Salines give letters for someone special a new colour.

Precisas? Então, Leva!

Urban Intervention

Urban Intervention

2015 – 2022

What if suddenly you found a red closet on the street? Would you stop to look at it? This is called Guerrilla Marketing. In “Precisas? Então, Leva!” (“Do you need it? Then take it!”) we make use of this powerful tool to raise social awareness to the needs of those more vulnerable. With the creation of a network of collection points for essential goods, in schools and shopping centres, we aim to aid local solidarity institutions in their support of families in need and homeless people.

Projeto Au-Au

Inclusion and Social Awareness

Inclusion and Social Awareness

2019 – (present)

In Portugal about 10 000 animals are abandoned per year and collection centres, kennels and animal associations don’t have the means and resources to give answers to this situation. With the “Projeto Au-Au” (“Woof-Woof Project”) we look forward to supporting local associations of animals in their mission, promoting their work. “Cãominhadas” (“Dog Walks”) throughout the city, collection initiatives of food and other goods and online talks with professionals are some of the activities we hold for our “doggos”!

Projeto Valentino

Urban Intervention

Urban Intervention

2013 – (present)

Love is in the air in which is the most romantic day of the year, Valentine’s Day! With the “Valentino” project, we take on the role of Cupid to warm the hearts of the people of Aveiro. From cute boxes with roses spread around the streets, hugs and chocolates, to talks about more serious topics like toxic relationships, we bring something different and original every year.

Recantos de Aveiro

Culture, Art and Creativity

Culture, Art and Creativity


Only those who lose themselves in the streets of the "city of the canals" will really discover Aveiro. The “Recantos de Aveiro” (“Nooks of Aveiro”) seeks to unveil the secrets of our city through a photography contest. The result? A fantastic collection of photographs that present Aveiro through unique and original compositions, framings and points of view. The authors of the works selected by the jury were awarded prizes, and their photos displayed in an exhibition at the University of Aveiro.

Refresca a tua Mente!

Urban Intervention

Urban Intervention

2018 – 2021

Reading habits in Portugal are among the worst in the European Union. “Refresca a tua Mente” (“Refresh your Mind”) arose as an original and disruptive way to stimulate books' sharing and reading practices. Through this initiative, we converted broken fridges into bookcrossing points where anyone can leave or find a book to read. Search for our fridges in Águeda, Oliveira de Azeméis and Estarreja, find your favorite book and “refresh your mind!”.

Símbolos de Felicidade

Culture, Art and Creativity

Culture, Art and Creativity

2020 – 2023

What is happiness? We don’t believe in right or exact answers to that question. Happiness comes in many shapes, sizes, sounds, and colours. With “Símbolos de Felicidade” (“Symbols of Happiness”) we engineered a high-tech mechanism that allows us to see happiness in its many forms. We dare the ones who find our panel to draw what is happiness for them. But beware, smiles don’t count!

Sustentabilidade Al Dente

Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development


Did you know that what we eat has an increasing impact on the fight against climate change? As the world population keeps growing, increasing the production of food is required, which has been putting pressure on the environment. The project “Sustentabilidade Al Dente” (Al Dente Sustainability) aims to raise awareness of food wastage by helping to change consumption patterns while warning consumers about the impact of conscious eating on the sustainable development of society.


Culture, Art and Creativity

Culture, Art and Creativity

2010 – (present)

TEDx is an initiative created in the spirit of the TED global mission of discovering “ideas that deserve to be shared”. Annually, more than 3 000 events are held all over the world. TEDxAveiro is locally based and organised by the people of Aveiro, but it has been establishing itself as a reference event at a national level. It is one of the most important events for the promotion of creativity and entrepreneurship all over the country. We want to share ideas that can help make the world a better place.

Um Dia Quero...

Urban Intervention

Urban Intervention

2020 – 2022

When was the last time you chased a wish? A dream? That urge to go out and run, explore, meet, taste, dream, feel and be better? What’s easy seems more and more comfortable, the challenge seems more and more troubling and, “well, I’ve already got what I need, what more would I wish?”. Seeking to defy the laws of physics and fight the inertia that stops us from dreaming, acting, doing and changing, we have created the “Um Dia Quero…” (“One Day I Want…”). Set goals, objectives and wishes, write them on our board and achieve them!