Boot Camp - Empower Your NGO
On May 18 and 19, took place the "Project Management - Empower Your NGO", a training organized by Agora Aveiro, at the Feedback Institute.
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes and 4 seconds
© Helder Berenguer
Project management has a prominent role in the day-to-day work of non-governmental organizations. But specific training in this area is mostly reserved for larger organizations or available at a high cost. Making small organizations and individuals unable to access these opportunities with ease. Adding to this, the fact that project management is now a competence required and appreciated by many companies, these formations also value the curriculum of the participants.
Thus, we decided to create a boot camp where we could work on the theme of project management, in order to prepare the participants to develop, in an efficient, realistic and with measurable impact, all phases of a project, from idealization to impact assessment.
This training took place under the guidance of instructors Norberto Amaral (Managing Partner at Cultiv and President of SpreadXevents, an association that gives legal status to TEDx Porto) and Alexandre Fonseca (Project Manager at DYPALL Network and participant in the training funded by the Erasmus + program "Youth Organizations and Project Management ").
The methodological resources used are on par with the context of non-formal education, aiming to stimulate a critical and reflexive attitude about the participants' personal and professional experiences, as well as their creative potential. The theoretical content served to create a solid foundation from which participants could execute the practical exploration of creating a project from start to finish.
In this training, the experience of creating, developing, and managing a project sought to create a lived experience in which learning can be more easily consolidated and projected onto future experiences.
For we believe that the participants will apply the contents and techniques learned not only in the associative context but also in their personal projects, making them multipliers of the principles learned in their communities.
"In this training, I learned a lot about leadership, teamwork, project management and planning, in a very dynamic way. It left that "I want more " feeling since the themes were so comprehensive for such a short time. A training that has to happen again!" - Ana Sofia Mendes
"A training that combines knowledge and teamwork with the fun and well-being that is expected of a good weekend" - Nuno Afonso
The boot camp "Project Management - Empower your NGO" is an Agora Aveiro project that had SPEAK Aveiro as a partner. It was also had the support of IPDJ - Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude, I.P. through the "Formar+" program.
Liane Carvalho